Data Management Analysis Tools and Analysis Mechanics Training Course
This course explores different tools and techniques for handling data for research purposes. It also discusses how to combine and manage data streams, and how to use data management tools to produce analytical results that are error free and reproducible, once useful data have been obtained to accomplish the overall research goals and objectives.
Proper data handling and management is crucial to the success and reproducibility of a statistical analysis. Selection of the appropriate tools and efficient use of these tools can save the researcher numerous hours, and allow other researchers to leverage the products of their work. In addition, as the size of databases in transportation continue to grow, it is becoming increasingly important to invest resources into the management of these data.
Analysis Mechanics.
Analysis Techniques and Tools.
Data management by using Microsoft Project Periods.
Tasks and Tasks properties
Large-scale database solutions.
Data screening
time table perorations
Insert references
Budgets Reports
Engineers & Technicians